9000Km 거리의 큰 사건
9000Km 거리의 큰 사건
스타니스랍스키 연극상 창설과 관련되어 <프라우다>지에 살린 기사입니다.
'프라우다'는 러시아 최대의 일간지로 공식 명칭은 '콤소몰스카야 프라우다'입니다. 1912년 창간되어 구 소련 공산당의 기관지였으나 1991년 일반 일간지로 전환하였습니다.
저는 이 신문에 마가리타 체리호바와 찍은 사진과 함께 1992년 7일 1일 소개되었습니다. 체리호바는 세계적인 영화감독 안드레이 타르콥스키의 영화 <거울>의 여자 주인공입니다. 국내에서도 이 영화를 볼 수 있으니 꼭 보시기 바랍니다.
다음 기사는 스타니스랍스키 연극상 창설의 반향과 그 의의를 측정할 수 있는 중요한 내용입니다. 러시아어로 게재되어 있어 일반인을 위해 서툰 영어로 번역했습니다. 러시아어 원본은 첨부파일를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
July 1, 1992
Wednesday No 118 (20418)
The big event is seen in a distance of 9 thousand km
The theater award named after Konstantin Stanislavsky was born in a very unexpected way. It is not surprising that Margarita Terekhova received that award first – she has always been incomparable actress. But what’s really mysterious about it is that the award was founded by Mr. Na San Man – a play writer, professor, producer, director of “Dan” theater from South Korea. Co-founder of the award magazine “Theater Life” introduced us at their office to a fan of Stanislavsky’s system and the Russian actress from Seoul. He is quite young, very energetic and friendly man, who picked out – what an instinct! – from many faces, voices, styles just one: Margarita Borisovna.
- Two of my children have oriental blood, - says actress. – It’s interesting that this is my first theater award in my life. In cinema I have received many awards, literally from my very first movie, but my performance on the stage has not been recognized for so many years. Mr. Na San Man just shocks us with this award in the time when everyone is leaving us, when everything is collapsing including theaters, he establishes an award! Despite of everything, there are joyful moments in our lives: we are being robbed over and over again, and all of a sudden someone gives us a gift. Not a long time I got a car as a gift, now – this award…
Margarita Borisovna spoke beautifully, as usually, great, it seemed she was in a good mood. What’s also mysterious – she will have to leave Mossovet theater where she has grown up and succeeded as incredible actress. There is no work for her there and it’s unlikely there will be some in the future. She will play her last performances and wander out, perhaps to some studio.
The award has found its hero.
Isn’t it too late though?
A. Kolesnikov
Photo M. Guterman